Blue Rose Bouquet - Lilo (Special Offer Product)
Brighten your loved ones' eyes with stunning blue and purple blooms packed in wrapping paper. Show your boyfriend how much you think of him with the 'Lilo To Your Stich' bouquet.This hand bouquet consists of 12 Blue Roses, Purple Carnations and White Baby Breath with fillers. (Please note that these are sprayed blue roses)
Please note:
1. Our blue roses are sprayed to achieve their unique color. Roses do not naturally grow in this color.
2. The shades of blue on the roses may vary, ranging from light to deep blue.
Best Offer product is not discountable. Brand, wrapping, decoration, and packaging may vary. FlowerAdvisor reserves the right to replace any item with another of equivalent value depending on season and availability.
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*For selected area only