China Delivery



This was the first time I was ordering flowers from the USA to be deilvered to Hong Kong. The flowers were delivered on-time and from the images sent back to me, they look great! I would recommend Flower Advisor...

Debby, USA

(Roslee from Singapore)The flower was fantastic by the way. Anyway thank you for the delivery it made someone very happy.

Roslee from Singapore

19 October 2016

(xxx from Indonesia)Oke flower sudah diterima. Thanks. Ternyata flower besar juga ya, dikirim picnya. Saya pikir ukurannya sedang. Keren nd beauti flower.

xxx from Indonesia

18 October 2016

(Johan form Indonesia)Oh ya sy lupa konfirm. Bunga nya ud sy trima. Hasilnya sgt memuaskan. Dan sy tertarik utk membeli lg jika ad event next time. Thx ya bantuannya. Pelayanan nya top.

Johan form Indonesia

16 October 2016

(Leo from Indonesia)Thank you so much for your service. The flowers were delivered on time and Warni was very happy. I will not hesitate to use you again and I will recommend my friends to use you as well. Please let me know if there is a formal feedback form you would like me to use. Thanks again..great service.

Leo from Indonesia

14 October 2016

(Dicky from Indonesia)The flower is so cute and my GF like it. Floweradvisor memang juara dan sukses terus buat kedepan nya.

Dicky from Indonesia

13 October 2016

(Prakash Arke from India)thank you for the delivery of the birthday cake to my daughter rachita arke which surely made her was a surprise ..thanks

Prakash Arke from India

02 October 2016

(RM from Singapore)Item was well received and nicely done up and made a very special lady very happy. Will order again in the near future.

RM from Singapore

29 September 2016

(Ana from Indonesia)Servicenya bagus, Nanti bisa saya rekomen ke teman teman saya nanti Makasih banyak ya bu

Ana from Indonesia

26 September 2016

(Apriany from Indonesia)Thanks already doing well, perfect service.. I\'m so like that and someday i will order again

Apriany from Indonesia

17 September 2016

(Putri Juwita from Indonesia)Thanx You untuk fotonya.. Bunganya cantik.. Kami senang berbelanja di florist anda..

Putri Juwita from Indonesia

14 September 2016