China Delivery



This was the first time I was ordering flowers from the USA to be deilvered to Hong Kong. The flowers were delivered on-time and from the images sent back to me, they look great! I would recommend Flower Advisor...

Debby, USA

(Apni from Indonesia)Terimaksih atas pelayanannya yang cepat dan profesional. Saya sangat puas

Apni from Indonesia

11 December 2016

(Sanae from Singapore)Ms. Natalia, Thank you for the message. We received beautiful flower. Thank you very much!!

Sanae from Singapore

08 December 2016

(Asteria from Indonesia)Thank you for sending a beautiful basket to my Dad, it made his day!

Asteria from Indonesia

02 December 2016

(Alvita from Indonesia)Thank you so much for the help yesterday, my aunt loves it! Great Choice of flowers.

Alvita from Indonesia

02 December 2016

(Hasni from Singapore)This is our second time using your service and we came back due to your excellent and professional services. Once again, you have delivered not only lovely bouquet but services as well. Receiver is very pleased with the arrangements. Thank you for making her day and keep up with the good services.

Hasni from Singapore

11 November 2016

(Fazi from Malaysia)It's ok, recipient has received successfully. Thank you so much for your reliable & timely services :)

Fazi from Malaysia

07 November 2016

(Winda from Switzerland)Sudah di terima ,bagus sekali bunganya, terima kasih banyak, lain kali pesen lagi

Winda from Switzerland

04 November 2016

(Chai from Singapore)Hi Amy, just to let u know the chocolates mousse cake was very good. All my guest love it !

Chai from Singapore

01 November 2016

(Andi from Indonesia)Dear Flower advisor... Terima kasih telah mengantarkan pesanan kami, kami ingin mengkonfirmasi bahwa tanda tangan tersebut sudah benar adalah tanda tangan Bapak Asruddin. Kami sangat berterimakasih pesanan kami sudah sampai. See u on next order. Thank You.

Andi from Indonesia

31 October 2016

(Stephen from Indonesia)By the way Endah said thankyou the flowers are lovely and the wrapping was beautiful also! Thanks

Stephen from Indonesia

27 October 2016